While the range of potential therapeutic benefits for red light therapy touches hundreds of body systems and conditions, none is more intuitive or pressing than alleviating pain from osteoarthritis.
“As a chiropractor, I know the prevalence of joint paint,” says Dr. Annette Cronauer, founder of Transformation Weight Loss and Wellness, home to Pittsburgh’s only medical-grade red light therapy.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in 5 (or 53.2 million) US adults have some form of arthritis — with osteoarthritis (OA) being the most common, affecting 32.5 million US adults.
As America’s Baby Boom population reaches later life, the impact of osteoarthritis grows, but symptoms appear in people as early as their teen years. Some data to consider:
Osteoarthritis and Younger People
Approximately 14% of those diagnosed with osteoarthritis are as young as 25 years old.
Sports injuries, especially those involving joints, substantially raise the risk of developing early-onset osteoarthritis.
Severe joint injuries like meniscus tears or rotator cuff injuries increase the likelihood of developing OA by six times.
Osteoarthritis, Age and Gender
43% of people with OA are 65 or older, and 88% of people with OA are 45 or older.
Annual incidence of knee OA is highest between 55 and 64 years old.
More than half of individuals with symptomatic knee OA are younger than 65.
62% of individuals with OA are women.
Among people younger than 45, OA is more common among men; above age 45, OA is more common among women.
Medical-Grade Red Light Therapy: The Basics
At its most basic, red light therapy stimulates mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in our cells, increasing ATP production. This boost in cellular energy can help support overall cellular function and repair processes that may be impaired in any inflammatory or autoimmune condition, including arthritis.
Red light therapy has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects — and any reduction in overall inflammation may help alleviate some of the cascading and damaging inflammatory processes triggered by arthritis. The increased cellular energy provided by medical-grade red light and reduced inflammation can contribute to improved tissue repair and regeneration, counteracting tissue damage caused by arthritis flairs.
Medical-Grade Red Light Therapy: 5 Ways it Alleviates Arthritis Pain
1. Pain reduction: Red light therapy can provide fast-acting pain relief for arthritis sufferers, with effects lasting longer than some painkiller drugs.
2. Inflammation reduction: It helps decrease inflammation in arthritic joints by modulating cytokine levels and promoting anti-inflammatory processes.
3. Tissue regeneration: Red light therapy can help repair, restore, and regenerate connective tissues surrounding joints, combating the degenerative effects of arthritis.
4. Improved joint mobility: Red light therapy can enhance joint function and range of motion by reducing stiffness and swelling.
5. Cartilage and bone health: The therapy has demonstrated the ability to heal cartilage and bones, which benefits arthritis patients.
Transformation Weight Loss and Wellness: Pittsburgh’s Only Medical-Grade Red Light Therapy
Dr. Cronauer emphasizes the safety of medical-grade red light therapy as a drug-free, side-effect-free method for pain relief, making it a suitable alternative or complement to traditional arthritis treatments.
Over-the-Counter Pain Medications: Overused?
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that more than 12% of the adult population are regular NSAID users. Another 52 million U.S. adults (23% of the adult population) use an acetaminophen-containing medicine each week.
Studies have shown that red light therapy can be a particularly effective, drug-free way to manage arthritis. While more research is needed, the existing evidence suggests that red light therapy is a promising option for managing arthritis symptoms and improving the quality of life for those affected by this condition in all of its forms.